Online event: encyclopaedia of pleasure // zine making + embodiment workshop ✨

Psst! Over here! (it me!)

Oy oy! How ARE you babes?! It’s been one hell of a metamorpheisis! Well, isn’t life just that? I hope so at least, want to keep growing in this life. Stagnancy isn’t appealing. Freedom has and always will be my bag. Dug this dear old blog out from the cupboard, dusted her off and thought i’d […]

NEW SITE: Changing the Menu!

Monday Evening Yoga at Hen starting 9 November

Monday morning yoga at Hen!

New class: Monday morning yoga at Hen! 🐣

✨NEWSFLASH: Presenting LICK SOCIAL #1!✨🌴🍉🎁🍍🎶