All Change! Autumn Vata! (plus playlist)

The winds (and rains!) of change are rife, and with that, storms of plenty. Farewell, dear summer, and now Autumn beats at the door bearing golden gifts! Ayurveda, the Indian science of life, refers to Autumn as the season of the Vata dosha which is governed by the elements of wind and “ether” (that which […]

Happy Blue Moon / Full Moon – an ode to wholeness (plus lunar playlist)

Art + Yoga // 5 steps to Balance and Composition

Happy Heart Day! On the 4th chakra, Prince, and Val’s day (plus playlist)

Teetering on the cusp of transition: Behold! The Autumn Equinox!

Transition. This is the equinox in a conker shell! We are literally teetering on the cusp as day and night become equal portions. This year´s autumn equinox falls on 23 September, so our days will begin to get shorter and we start the shift towards longer nights, darker days and descend into winter. We bid farewell to summer, a lighter, flirtier more energetic season, generally a time where we are busy packing in all layers of life. Autumn in contrast, offers a period of harvest, things dying off, coming to a natural end, a time we become more introverted, reflective and, well, tired. As the trees go back into their roots, we are also afforded the opportunity to draw in, retreat, reflect and reconnect by releasing the stuff we don´t need.

Winter Velkommen!