Monday Evening Yoga at Hen starting 9 November

Monday morning yoga at Hen!

New class: Monday morning yoga at Hen! 🐣

✨NEWSFLASH: Presenting LICK SOCIAL #1!✨🌴🍉🎁🍍🎶

Newsflash: Hatching morning yoga at Hen this Friday:::🐣

Brighton Summer Retreat 2015 – Film and Pictures!

So so so so so many good vibes! Still high from an amazing few days with some equally amazing people who joined us in Brighton for our Summer Retreat. ❤  It was: Elderflower and bunting and yoga and rainbows and cake and movement and seagulls and Pride and massages and seagulls and picnics and bike rides and […]

Lately: Jason Crandell Advanced Teacher Training

Shh! Introducing the Secret Lick Yoga Club!

Lick Yoga Brighton returns tomorrow!

Happy New Year! (+ this week´s classes)