Kulturnatt // Yoga Disco & Silent Art Disco – Pictures and Videos!

kulturnatt kode yoga disco lysverket

Photo by Dag Fosse (thank you!)

Back in Brighton after an amazing, delirious and tremendously fun time in Bergen-

Grateful to have been invited to host our second Kulturnatt at KODE (art museums of Bergen) for which we curated an evening of events. First, the Yoga Disco followed by a Silent Art Disco, which were held in the magnificent Tårnsalen “tower room” in KODE 4, Bergen.

This exhibition by Bård Breivik particularly speaks to me – Perhaps these sculptures might be symbolic of us- our shells, our exploration of embodiment and all that entails. All that comes with it. Our stimuli. Our reactions. Our stories. Experiences. Boundaries. Our lives. Reminded to celebrate it all. In all it’s diversity. Grateful for that reminder always.

Kulturnatt is such a brilliant event that´s happening in many cities now -with so many cultural spaces flinging open their doors until late, so lots of exciting stuff happening all round!

So grateful for all of the wonderful people who came to join and support both events, have been a bit speechless about the amount of lovely movers and shakers who came out with their shiny sweetness.

Thank you for your energy, your pizzazz, your magical movement and your guts – appreciate you SO much! Thank you to all who queued so patiently (and sorry to anyone who didn’t make it in). Takk til Helga and the peeps at Kode for having us and supporting this dream!

Hope you had a lovely Kulturnatt!

Thank you for the opportunity to create and share.

Love from deep depths.

Finemann made some video nibbles to give you a taste!

Some pictures!

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Photo by Dag Fosse (thank you!)

Photo by Dag Fosse (thank you!)

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Here´s some other pictures from peeps on the interwebs and who graced us with real life presence! thank you! x



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